Ready for Launch

Ready for Launch

I’ve been working on the early version of this localpics photo blog over the holiday break and I think it’s time to let a few people know about it. So far I only have pages up for four locations – San Francisco, Alaska, Catalina Island, and...
Nashville, TN

Nashville, TN

I went to Nashville in November 2019 for a work trip. I didn’t have a lot of time to explore the city but I was able to get down to Broadway to check out the nightlife a couple of nights. These shots were from my first night in Nashville. It was rainy that...
(Re)introducing Localpics

(Re)introducing Localpics

Welcome to the new version of my Localpics site. I registered the many years ago. How long ago? Google was only a few years old and they had just recently launched Google ads. For several years, I maintained this site but after while I stopped paying...